If you're anything like me you love make-up and color but haven't a clue when it comes to knowing whether you have blue or yellow undertones, the difference between matte and powder finishes, or what color palette best brings out your eyes.
Well, now there's help for the clueless (but the clued-in are welcome as well). Join us at Ethique Nouveau on Thursday, October 14 from 6:30 to 8:30pm for our Fall Colors Makeup Event. Come and get your make-up done and learn about your coloring and what make-up colors work best for you.
Erica Allenburg, an industry expert from Arbonne, will be on hand to guide you through the process and answer all those make-up questions you've been dying to ask. You can order Arbonne make-up through Ethique Nouveau now; proceeds benefit ARC's animal advocacy programs. Do good for the animals and look good doing it!