Alchemy Goods upcycles reclaimed bicycle inner tubes from cyclists and bike shops across the country into useful stuff like bags, wallets, belts, and pouches. The logos stitched to the bags have a small number in the upper right corner. This tiny number has big significance. It represents the percent (by weight) of upcycled material that goes into each product. Alchemy strives to make this number as high as possible by incorporating as much upcycled material as they can.
When you only need half a messenger bag, the Haversack, shown here, is just right. Big enough for a warm layer, some snacks, water, and a small notebook or camera, the Haversack is the perfect day trip companion. You’ll love how it feels sitting on your hip. The Haversack Bag features:
* Durable, water resistant exterior constructed from upcycled inner tubes
* Durable shoulder strap made from upcycled seatbelt
* Zippered exterior pocket
* One internal pocket plus pen slots
* Internal key clip
* 10" (L) x 6" (W) x 11" (H) (and vertically expandable)